Venerable Philip of Irapsk is represented frontally, full-length. His right hand is blessing, his left hand is holding an unfolded scroll with the inscription: «Первее яко трудишася зде мало великих во веки насыщаются второе яко преславная на телеси муки яже а ра». 14 border scenes represent the life of Venerable Philip, from making a monk to the post mortal miraculous healings. Each border scene is commented with the short hagiographical text. The major part of the composition unfolds inside the arched chamber with the columns and the depiction of the stone temple symbolizes the first stone building of the Philippo-Irapskaya hermitage – the Trinity cathedral. Except for the first border scene the Venerable is represented as a middle-aged man with the ascetic features of the face. In the upper part of the icon is the Old Testament Trinity shown in the quadrant.