The saint is seated on the throne, above her is The half-length figure of Jesus Christ. She is flanked by the Mother of God with the Savior Emmanuel on the bread and John the Baptist.
The figure of Sophia, the Wisdom of God with fiery-red face and wings, wearing a gold crown and fiery-golden vestment, is shown seated on the throne surrounded by symbolical figures of the Evangelists. Above it the angels hold a ceiling of stars. On either side of the throne stand the Mother of God and John the Baptist. On the borders are the figures of an angel and Sts. Antipas, Cosmos and Damian.
Sophia is shown seated on the throne, flanked by the Holy Virgin with the Savior Emmanuel on the breast and John the Baptist.
The icon portrays the enthroned figure of St. Sophia the Holy Wisdom with fiery red face and wings, in a golden crown and red-golden clothes. She is flanked by the Mother of God and John the Baptist. Above Sophia is a medallion with the half-figure of Christ blessing with a pontifical benediction (with both hands). In the upper part is the Etimasia (the Prepared Throne), upon which rests the Gospel; on either side of the Etimasia are angels.