Our Lady of Vladimir. A board with border scenes representing the icon creation history. A board with an inserted inscription

Iconography:  Vladimir icon of the Mother of God

Date: XVII century. Our Lady of Vladimir - 1692, board with border scenes representing the icon creation history - 1692 or 1709, board with an inserted inscription - 1709

Icon-painter: Ryazantsev Afanasiy

Origin: From a church of the Annunciation Convent in Murom.

Material: Wood, tempera

Dimensions:  height 71 cm, width 52 cm

The image of the Mother of God with the Child on the icon is in the same state as was the 12th century Byzantine icon of Our Lady of Vladimir in the late 17th century (State Tretyakov Gallery), when the next coats of paint concealed the original painting. A board with border scenes depicting the history of the creation of the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir was made for the icon painted by Afanasy Ryazantsev in 1692. 

Border scenes: 

1. The Evangelist Luke paints an icon of the Holy Virgin 

2. The Evangelist Luke shows the Holy Virgin icon he has painted 

3. The apostles beg the Holy Virgin to sanctify with Her presence the Church in the Name of the Holy Virgin they are building in Lidde. 

The apostles and people worship the icon of the Holy Virgin Not Made with Hands that appeared in a church in Lidde.

The inserted inscription to the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir painted in 1692 by Afanasy Ryazantsev consists of eight lines enclosed by a cartouche: “Принесеся сия с(вя)тая икона пресс(вя)тыя Вл(а)дычицы н(а)шея Б (огоро)д(и)цы и принод(е)вы Марии ис преименитаго ц(а)рствующего града Москвы в богохранимы град Мурома во обитель пре(свя) тыя Б(огоро)д(и)цы чеснаго и славнаго ся Благовещения и с(вя)тых чюдотворцев бл(а)говернаго князя Констентина и чад его кн(я)зя Михаила и кн(я)зя Феодора въ лета от сотворения мира 7200 в 17 год [1709] при державе бл(а)гочестиваго г(о)с(у)д(а)ря и великаго кн(я)зя Петра Алексеевича вся Великия и Малые и Белыя России самодержца и при сыне ево бл(а)говерном ц(а)р(е)виче и великом кн(я)зе Алексее Петровиче меж потрияршества при преосв(я)щенном Стефане митрополите Рязанском и Муромском при гумене сея обители Харитоне тщаниемъ москвитина гостиные сотни Афанасия Тарасьева сына Соколова месяце”. 

Deposited in the Museum on December 9, 1941. 

  • Our Lady of Vladimir
  • A board with border scenes representing the icon creation history
  • A board with an inserted inscription