Prophet Zechariah and Magus Valaam
Iconography: Balaam the Prophet, Zechariah the Prophet (Zechariah the Sickle-Seer)
Date: XVII century.
Iconographic school/art center: Pskov icon-painting school
Origin: From the church of the Dormition at the Ferry-place
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 93 cm, width 72 cm
The icon from the Prophet row of iconostasis. The depiction of prophet Zechariah and Magus Valaam full-length with the unfolded scrolls in their hands.
Inv. № 1638. © Pskov State United Historical, Architectural and Fine Arts Museum-Reserve
Bibliography: Васильева О.А. Иконы Пскова. М., 2006. № 136. С. 422.