Parasceva named “Friday”, the Great Martyress
Iconography: Parasceva of Iconium (Pyatnitsa), the Great Martyress
Date: XVII century. Middle of the 17th century
Origin: From the Nikolo-Vyksinsky monastery in the Cherepovetsky district, Novgorodskaya region. Founded in 1432 as a nun’s convent, in 1605 Venerable Azarius made it a monastery, it was liquidated in 1764 (flooded by the Rybinskoye reservoir).
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 135 cm, width 82 cm
Frontal depiction of Parasceva named “Friday” full-length with a cross and an unfolded scroll in his hands. In the upper part of the composition are depicted the two angels putting a wreath on the head of the saint martyress.
Was deposited from the church commemorating Saint Nicholas in the village of Nikolo-Vyksa in 1931.
Restoration: the All-Russian Art Scientific and Restoration Center named after I.E. Grabar, restorer – Butchilo E.I.
Inv. №664/6. © Cherepovets Museum Association.
Bibliography: Куликова О.В. Древние лики Русского Севера. Из музейного собрания икон XIV-XIX веков города Череповца. М., 2009. Кат. № 49 (Илл. 50).