Our Lady (Eleusa) of Vladimir
Iconography: Vladimir icon of the Mother of God
Date: XVI century. First half of the 16th century
Origin: From the Voskresensky Goritsky nuns’ convent, Kirillovsky district of the Novgorodskaya province (now village Goritsy in the Kirillovsky district, Vologodskaya region). The convent was founded in 1544 by princess Euphrosyne Staritskaya (monastic name – Eudocia).
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 69 cm, width 56 cm
The icon in the casing. Waist-length depiction of Our Lady. She is holding Child Jesus in Her right hand, Her head is inclined to the right. The Divine Child presses His cheek against His Mother’s face and His left hand embraces Her, His face is turned upwards. The right hand of the Divine Child is extended towards the shoulder of Our Lady. Christ’s legs are covered with chiton down to His feet and the left leg is bent showing the foot.
The image of the Holy Virgin Eleusa in the Voscresensky Goritsky monastery founded in 1544 by the princess Euphrosyne Staritskaya was honored particularly. Lavishly decorated with the precious stones, wrought silver, the wreaths and the half-moon-shaped pendants the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir was deposited in Cyril of Belozersk monastery by Euphrosyne (monastic name Eudocia). By its style and the interpretation of the image the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir is close to the works of the Rostov iconographic tradition of the first half of the 16th century. It is worth mentioning that the iconographer turned to the ancient tradition of the colored halo painted by the transparent light blue pigment.
Was deposited in 1930.
Restoration: ЦГРМ, 1927, restorers – the group headed by A.I.Anisimov.
Inv. №560/8. © Cherepovets Museum Association.
Bibliography: Куликова О.В. Древние лики Русского Севера. Из музейного собрания икон XIV-XIX веков города Череповца. М., 2009. Кат. № 24.
Рыбаков А. А. Вологодская икона. Центры художественной культуры земли Вологодской XIII–XVIII веков. М., 1995. № 41.