Savior Not Made by Hands
Iconography: Savior Not Made by Hands
Date: XVII century.
Iconographic school/art center: Kholmogorskaya and Vazhskaya eparchy
Origin: was removed from the church of saint Catherine (1870) in the village of Ust-Nereshinskoye, Leshukonsky district, Archangeskaya region.
Material: Wood, cut-back central portion, canvas, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 71 cm, width 48 cm
Depiction of the face of Jesus Christ on the cloth. Protuberant face of the Savior fills practically the whole surface of the centerpiece.
Registration number ДРЖ-1348. © State Museum Association «Art Culture of the Russian North»
Иконы Русского Севера. Шедевры древнерусской живописи Архангельского музея изобразительных искусств. М., 2007. Т. 2. № 146. С. 210.