Saint princes Constantine, Michael and Feodor of Murom, with scenes from their lives
In the center, under a segment portraying the Holy Trinity, are the figures of Constantine with his sons Michael and Feodor (Theodor). Prince Constantine is portrayed in a strictly frontal position. He is taller than his children but not significantly. The princes Michael and Feodor are also represented en face, but their figures are slightly turned to the father. Constantine is shown as a gray-haired long-bearded old man, while his sons are portrayed as young identical twins. The saints are shown wearing princely hats and fur-coats, with swords in the left hand. Michael is holding with his right hand a palm branch, Constantine holds a globe, and Feodor holds a cross. The centerpiece is surrounded by 87 border scenes in ten tiers. Each border scene has captions. The bottom margin carries the date and the names of the icon-painters.