Blaise of Sebastia, St.
The saints are depicted full-length. John Climacus is represented in the centre, George and Blasius – to the left and to the right.
Miracle of Sts. Florus and Laurus, St. Blaise of Sebaste and St. Spiridon of Tremithus
The icon composition consists of three rows: the upper represents the episode known as “The Archangel Michael’s Miracles with Florus and Laurus”; in the central tier are the figures of the triplets, martyrs Speusippus, Eleusippus, Meleusippus on horsebacks; the lower tier represents the figures of saint Blasius and Spiridon blessing the flocks of livestock. The central part of the icon represents the figure of the Archangel Michael, with extended wings, standing on a hill, flanked by martyrs Florus and Laurus in devotional poses. With both hands, extended apart in a blessing gesture, the archangel holds two horses by the reigns as if handing them to the saints. In the lower part is a flock of horses and the mounted triplet martyrs, above their haloes can be seen the traces of inscriptions with their names. -
The icon represents the full-length figure of St. Blaise of Sebastea, flanked by Florus and Laurus. Above the is an image of Jesus Christ in the clouds.
The figures of the saints are depicted full-length. They are looking up at the Saviour.
Nicholas the Wonderworker, St., with Clement and Blasius, Sts.
Waist-length depiction of saint Nicholas with his hand raised in a gesture of blessing, holding the closed Gospel book in his left hand. To the right and to the left of his halo are represented half-figures of saints Clement and Blasius in the “iridescent” aureoles painted with three green color tones. -
St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was one of the most favorite and venerated saints in Medieval Russia. He protected and assisted people in all their good deeds, patronizing travelers, fishers, hunters and comforting all those in sorrow. The 15th century half-length icon depicts St. Nicholas wearing a clerical dress. His right hand is raised in the two-finger sign of blessing. In his left hand, hidden by the edge of a phelonion and omophorion, the saint is holding a closed Gospel book. A distinctive feature of the icon is images of selected saints beside an image of Nicholas the Wonderworker – the healers Cosmas and Damian, the holy martyrs Florus and Laurus, St. Blaise and archdeacon Stephan.
The icon portrays the half-length figures of the saint blessing with his right hand and holding a gospel with his left. The saint’s image is noted for prayerful concentration and spiritual enlightenment.
The full-length figures of Sts. Blaise, Florus and Laurus. In the lower register, against a landscape, are the figures of domestic animals patronized by the saints.
Selected Saints: Nicholas the Wonderworker, archdeacon Stephen, priest-martyrs Blasius and Clement.
The icon depicts the full-length figures of the four saints: saint Nicholas, archdeacon Stephen, priest-martyrs Blasius and Clement, interceding with the image of Our Lady of the Sign. In the upper part of the composition to the right and to the left of the Mother of God are shown half-figures of martyresses Parasceva named “Friday” and Anastasia. -
The icon depicts John the Baptist, saint Nicholas the Wonderworker and reverend Zosimus and Sabbatius of Solovki. In the upper part of the icon is represented Our Lady “the Incarnation”.
Modest and Blasius, Sts., with scenes from St. Modest’s life
In the centerpiece are shown full-length depictions of saints Blasius and Modest facing Christ Emmanuel. -
Samonas, Blaise, Gurias and Aviv, the holy martyrs
The icon shows full-length figures of Sts. Samonas, Gurias, Aviv and Blaise. Gurias and Samon are dressed in Byzantine tunics and cloaks; Aviv is wearing a sticharion, he holds a reliquary in his right hand and a censer in his left; Blaise is dressed in clerical clothes holding a closed Gospel book. The icon is executed in accordance with the Palekh ancient art imitation style of the late 19th – late 20th centuries
Selected saints: Saint Martyr Blasius of Sebaste, Martyrs Florus and Laurus
The icon shows the frontal depictions of the saints full-length. Blasius is represented dressed as a bishop, with the Gospel book in his hands, martyrs Florus and Laurus are holding the crosses in their right hands. -
The depiction of blessing saint Blasius with the Gospel book on the cloth in his hand. In the centre of the upper border of the icon is depicted the Savior Not Made by Hands.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, with the Deesis tier and the Selected Saints
In the centerpiece of the icon is depicted blessing saint Nicholas dressed as a bishop with the open Gospel book in his left hand.
In the bottom part of the icons are the figures of Sts. Modest and Blaise holding Gospel books. Above them is the scene of the Elevation of the Cross.